How can I become a member?

Membership is open to not for profit organisations involved in international Christian media production or broadcast. Members will be asked to confirm their agreement with the Lausanne Covenant as a shared statement of faith. Membership enquires can be directed towards

How is InterSearch governed?

InterSearch members agree to abide by the Working Rules. These form the guidelines for how InterSearch is governed and operated. The Working Rules are reviewed and updated annually and are housed in the InterSearch members’ database. 


Where can I find the InterSearch research results?

Due to the terms of purchase, research results are restricted to the members of InterSearch itself. Members are able to access research results through the InterSearch members’ database. Members who have conducted independent research tend to share their synopses and analyses with the rest of the membership.

Why don’t Christian organisations carry out more research?

Good question. Organisations give a variety of answers, ranging from the cost of research to a perspective that says it’s not needed because they trust the Holy Spirit to bless their ministry. Although InterSearch members all believe in the work of the Holy Spirit, they also believe that achieving excellence for God and using the resources provided by prayer and financial partners wisely requires the use of research and evaluative tools.

Who conducts the InterSearch research?

InterSearch obtains its research using a range of different methods.     

First, it purchases data from market and audience research companies like Gallup, InterMedia, Ipsos and others, either directly or as an end-user of commissioned research. This data may be ‘top-line’ data, which provides summaries of responses to nationally representative survey questionnaires. Detailed data sets are also available at additional cost for detailed analysis.     

Second, InterSearch completes its own research, either by direct commission to market research companies or by using its own resources and staff.     

Third, InterSearch encourages and facilitates research collaboration and the sharing of research between its members.   

Standard industry procedures for sampling, design and analysis are applied in all research. InterSearch seeks the highest possible quality in the research obtained for its members.

Is InterSearch legitimate?

InterSearch is a member of CIBAR, the Conference of International Broadcasters’ Audience Research Services, and is the recognized representative of international Christian broadcasters in this organisation. Other CIBAR members include the BBC World Service, Voice of America, Deutsche Welle, Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia, Arirang, NHK World, TV5 Monde, and a range of other public and private international media and research organisations. InterSearch members are able to participate in the full annual CIBAR meetings.

What is the focus of the InterSearch research?

InterSearch tailors its focus to the needs of its members. Whilst there has been considerable emphasis on audience research for radio and satellite television, increasing attention is being given to digital and social media; audience preferences and behaviour in different societies; the assessment of programming quality, appropriateness and appeal; and project-specific evaluative research.

When and where is the next InterSearch annual general meeting?

Please see the events page for these details.